Training and Workshops
This is an opportunity to share your expertise with fellow alumni and provide insight on your field of operation.
Networking events
This provides a great opportunity for alumni to grow their business networks and influence across socioeconomic and political spheres.
Alumni Forum
Where members can share ideas and have positive engagements.
Fun Days
This is a great way to just let loose and celebrate each other.
2020 Focus
Students & Alumni Welfare During This Pandemic
This year we started off ready to inspire our sisters at Pangani Girls School. We had Career and Mentoring workshops lined up starting March. Unfortunately we are now dealing with the Global Pandemic, Covid-19. We must continue to work around the situation because many of us have suffered as a result of this. Others had to restructure their businesses and lives. We must continue with our focus of empowering our girls and we are therefore communicating with those who receive sponsorship to ensure they are also receiving educational materials and basic needs when at home. We are also seeking different ways to empower those who have already finished at Pangani Girls School through our newly formed Alumni Welfare department.
Latest News
In 2016, the Former President of the United[...]
Event Calendar
March 2023
Every year, since 2016, we come together to[...]
It’s finally here! The 3rd Annual Pango Alumni[...]