April 22, 2022
Sheila Mugadi
Categories interview, scholarship, Sport, wellintentioned, years
In 2016, the Former President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, on his first visit to Kenya as a sitting American president met with the Civil Society of Kenya. During the meeting, a form two student at Pangani Girls High School narrated a touching story of how she was sponsored to continue with her secondary education.
This story, among many others, has strengthened the existence of the Pangani Girls Alumni Association which was formed and registered in 2015. Since then, this association has been passionate about helping bright financially disadvantaged students secure their education at Pangani Girls.
The association empowers these girls through the following initiatives:-
- Sponsorship– Since their elevation to a national school status, more than 400 students have sought financial assistance to join Pangani Girls High School. Sponsorship funds are raised through personal and corporate donations and fundraising dinners among many other ways. Such funds are raised to meet the disadvantaged students’ fees, purchase their school books or buy them school uniforms. The following are the beneficiaries since inception. 2016 – 2 girls, 2017 – 15, 2018 – 25, 2019 – 31, 2020 – 39 and class of 2021 – 35 (to complete in 2022.
- Mentorship: To support these students emotionally and socially, each girl is matched with at least one vetted and trained mentor. In addition to this, the association regularly partners with the school in doing career fairs, guidance and counselling sessions among many other activities that seek to inspire the girls and increase their exposure and enthusiasm about the future.
- Sporting Activities: Sports is another arm that the association uses to empower the students. Hockey and volleyball are the games that are synonymous with Pangani Girls. Currently, an alumni member is a volunteer coach for the hockey team after the passing on of Coach Alex.
- 4. Alumni Welfare: We have a welfare wing that assists current alumni members during difficult times as well as celebrating each other’s win(s). Through our active social media pages, we bring ourselves to speed with the happenings in each other’s lives. If you have not yet connected with us online, Follow us on facebook at https://web.facebook.com/pangoalumnievents
Ogonda Cynthia
I am happy to be one of the beneficiaries of the sponsorship program in 2018 and I look forward to joining hands with you soon to continue supporting the students who are in need.
Judy Ajikon
This is so impressive. Am proud to be an alumni class of 2015.May God bless you more ladies.
Halima Mubarak
Keep it up!! I am a passive alumni….year 1989….and planning to join you soon.
Cecilia Nyaso Mwinyi
We’ll done colleagues